This is the most important piece of fundraising advice I give to every single founder I speak to…
At the end of the day, investors simply want to see a founder set consistent milestones and do what they say they’re going to do.
The best way to make this happen is to begin sending monthly investor updates as soon as possible.
It’s easy — Just compile an email list of every single person you’ve ever spoken to, then begin sending monthly investor updates as if they’re already investors.
The reasons for this approach are simple:
1. It’s an opportunity to seed a newsletter audience with a few hundred people who want to see you succeed.
2. It creates public pressure to deliver on your promise to send monthly update emails.
3. You never know who knows who. The best way to benefit from serendipity is to create it.
Bring these founders, investors, operators, and friends along with you for the journey.
Show them your goals. Show them your progress. Show them your ability to build and control a narrative around your company.
Make them feel the momentum.
This is how you win.