Two pieces of advice I would give to any aspiring investor:
1. Join a high-growth startup — The best way to learn to identify a future unicorn is to work for one.
2. Start Angel Investing
Trust me, I know how out-of-touch it sounds for someone to tell you, “Want a job? Well, you better start doing it on your own, for free, and using your own money.”
But, after doing this work for nearly a decade, I can tell you with confidence that the best way to learn to be an investor is to start investing.
Here’s the good news.
There’s a great, low-cost way to invest in early-stage companies even if you don’t have a trust fund or a prior 8-figure exit.
It’s all thanks to AngelList Syndicates.
If you don’t know, a syndicate consists of a group of investors who pool their capital to invest in venture deals.
Many syndicates are free to join and the best give you access to incredible deal flow.
As a member, you have the right (not the obligation) to invest in any deal that’s offered by the syndicate’s lead investor. It’s an amazing way to keep up to date on current opportunities in the market and read professional deal memos written by top investors.
Some of the most successful angel investors I know started their careers by joining syndicates, learning as much as they could, and making a few investments of their own.
It just so happens that I too lead a syndicate right alongside my core fund. And no surprises here, it is called SuperAngelSyndicate .com!
We’ve got:
- 500+ LPs
- 6 deals in the past 12 months
- Minimum investment is only $2,500
Want to learn more?
1. Shoot me a DM
2. Check out the syndicate application for in the comments below 👇