Gautam Gupta has a great philosophy for entrepreneurs.
Some of the most common advice given to aspiring founders is to start with the market:
1. Look for a gap in the market
2. Write out a proposed solution to that gap
3. Validate your solution by pitching it to potential customers
Instead, Gautam proposes the complete opposite. There are inefficiencies in every industry, even if you don’t see them right away. Instead of indiscriminately looking for market opportunities, Gautam advises that an entrepreneur decide what they’re passionate about, then begin building relationships with people who are passionate about the same thing. From there, all you have to do is ask those people about the problems they face on a day-to-day basis. You’re sure to learn about dozens of problems that could use a startup solution!
The concept is simple: Don’t start with the market, start with the people.
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