Many people get so caught up in the “game” that they forget the cardinal rule of business: It’s all about trust.
As an investor, earning a founder’s trust is the best way to win new relationships and information advantages.
After all, THAT’S what this “game” is about.
A confidant can be trusted with introductions, deal flow, problems, solutions, and opportunities.
But, how do you build trust as an investor?
It’s simple: Listen often, help whenever possible, and become unoffendable.
You’d be surprised by how many founders are ignored by investors and board members. Oftentimes, they just need someone to speak to as a sounding board for problems and ideas.
The highest performers in any industry are the ones who will do the things that others aren’t willing to do. Look for opportunities to help founders whenever possible. Your perspective, your time, your expertise, and your network are precious.
One of the most important yet underrated elements of any close professional relationship is emotional trust. Founders need to trust that, no matter what they say, it won’t jeopardize the relationship. That’s why being unoffendable is a superpower. Founders can feel safe telling you EXACTLY what they’re thinking without fear of damage or retaliation.
Do you want to become a world-class investor? Learn how to build trust with the people around you.
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